when money did not exist, the value system was based on exchanges.
With the introduction of coins, the value system was standardized,
and then recognized and accepted throughout the world - it
became the money as we know it today. It provided many solutions
but also created new problems: How to transport a large amount
of money from one place to another? How to prevent it from
being stolen or forged?
money, more commonly known as a credit card was a good idea,
but it did not entirely replace money, and neither did it
eliminate the situations in which the use of money was required.
latest novelty on the market in terms of security technology
and convenience is e-money, which promises to revolutionize
the current value and collection system. E-money stands for
electronic currency, and supplements the regular credit card
system. It is loaded from your bank account to a Smart Card
– a new generation of Intelligent Cards functioning
like an electronic wallet. The money stored in the card may
be spent in stores equipped with Smart Card readers, where
the amount is debited from the card’s memory. When purchasing
small values, the Smart Card replaces cash, credit cards,
and check books.
Smart Card is called an Intelligent Card because it contains
is a chip capable of storing a large amount of information
and preventing access of unauthorized people.
single Smart Card may combine a number of functions –
such as a credit card, debit card, electronic wallet, multi-fidelity
card, personal ID card, digital authentication for safe Internet-based
transactions) with a potential to incorporate other applications.
It may be personalized, loaded or reconfigured according to
software specifications, not requiring card base changes.
